Physics of Biological sytems Interaction of biomolecules with surfaces, basic concepts of cell and molecular biology, Biomolecules and its structure, properties of DNA, Recombiant DNA technology.


Organic nanomaterials: Dendrimers, micelles, liposomes, block coplymers, Bionanomaterials: Biomimtric Systems, bioceremics & nanotherapeutics, microorganisms for synthesis of nanomaterials, biomembranes. Bio-functionalization of gold, magnetic and polymer nanoparticles and CNTs.


Role of nanoparticles and nanodevices in Blood clotting, Blood substitutes, Bionanomaterials: Metallic and ceramic implant materials: Bone regeneration, Nano crystalline structures of Bone and Calcium phosphate cements. Cobalt-based alloys; Titanium and its alloys, Nanoparticles relating to Aluminium oxides; Hydroxyapatite; Glass ceramics; ceramic implants; Carbon implants. Nano dental materials.


Nanobiodevices, Nanobio hybrid systems for bioelectronic devices , nanoparticle-enzyme devices, nanoparticle based protein recognition, biomaterial circuitry, lab on chip technology. Potentiometric sensors including chemically sensitive field effect transisitors, fabrication of planer waveguides immunosensors, surface plasmon resonance sensors and cantilever sensors.


Drug designing and synthesis of nanodrugs–metal nanoparticles and drug delivery vechicles– Nanoshells–Tectodentrimers Nanoparticle drug systems – Diagnostic applications of nanotechnology. Fundamentals of synthetic chemistry and its pharmaceutical applications.


SV Bhat, Biomaterials (2nd Edition), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi-2005.
JB Park, Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Plenum Press, New York, 1984 Challa S.S.R.Kumar, Joseph Hormes, Carola Leuschmal.
Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications wiley –VCHVerlag GmbH & CO, KGaA.
Introduction to Bioinformatics. Lesk L.A. (ed) 2003. Oxford University, Press
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology : Native, Hari Singh (Ed), American Scientific Publisher California (2004).
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology Bhushan, Bharat (Ed.)
Nano biotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives by Christof M. Niemeyer and Chad A. Mirkin
Nanobiotechnology C M Niemeyer, C A Mirkin,
Biofunctionalization of Nanomaterials, Challa Kumar.
Bio inorganic Hybrid Nanostructures, Ruiz-Hitzkey and Yuri Lvov.
Biomedical Applications of nanotechnology, Leslie-Peleckey.
Targetted Drug & Delivery System : S.P. Vyas
Chemical sensors and biosensors, Brian R Eggins
Electrochemical methods : Fundamentals and applications by Allen J Bard and Larry Faulkner
Springer series on chemical sensors and bio sensors by Viladimir Mirsky
Exercises in Synthetic Organic Chemistry by Chiara Ghiron , Russell Thomas