Silicon technology, processing methods: cleaning/etching, oxidation, gettering, doping, epitaxy. Sputtering, Plasma enhanced CVD, reactive ion etching. Moores Law, design rules for CMOS at 90 nm, 45nm, 32 nm. Semiconductor device road map, Silicon on insulator technology.


Gate dielectrics, poly-Si high-k dielectrics.Thermal matching, effect of lattice mismatch in device fabrication, challenges in MOSFETs for sub 15nm gate technology, 3D interconnects. Photoresist technologies for the nanoscale; metrology and defect inspection, Costing and yield, Assembly and packaging.


Top down approach to nanolithography; Tools for nanolithography, immersion lithography, Electron and ultraviolet (EUV) photolithography, phase shifting masses, x ray lithography including plasma xray sources, Ebeam lithography, focused ion beams. Nanosphere lithography – Molecular self-assembly, soft lithography, Stereo-lithography, nanoscale 3D shapes – NEMS design, molecular manipulation by STM and AFM – LB flim resists – nanopattern synthesis – Nano scratching.


Processing III-V semiconductors including nitrides, molecular beam epitaxy, chemical beam epitaxy, metal organic CVD, quantum wells. Si-Ge, SiC, diamond: synthesis defects and properties at the nanoscale.


Fundamentals of carrier transport in quantum structures, temperature effects, Resonant tunneling diodes, single electron transistor, modulation-doped field effect transistor MODFETs, and Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs)


VLSI Technology, S M Sze
VLSI fabrication, by S K Gandhi
ULSI Devices, Wiley New York, by C.Y. Chang and S.M. Sze.
Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Tech by R. D. Doering and Y. Nishi. 5.Semiconductors, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, by R.A. Smith.
Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, Y Taur, and T. H. Ning.
Nitride Semiconductors and Devices (Springer Series) by Hadis Morkoç
Physical Properties of III-V Semiconductor Compounds: InP, InAs, GaAs, GaP, InGaAs, and InGaAsP by Sadao Adachi
Handbook of Compound Semiconductors: Growth, Processing, Characterization, and Devices (Materials Science and Process Technology Series) by Paul H. Holloway and Gary E. McGuire