Principles of transduction; some examples of transducers. Light sensing detectors (photo diodes and photo multiplier tubes) and their classification. Oscilloscopes, fast amplifiers, lockin amplifiers, Control systems, interfacing for data acquisition and processing.UNIT 2:
Nanosensors: Gas sensors, Pollution sensor, Photo sensor, Temperature sensor, IR detector, Biosensor, nanomaterial gas discharge devices, CNT based fluid velocity sensor.Turbo and ultra high vacuum, Clean room technology, class 1000,100,10 clean rooms.
Thermodynamics & liquefaction of gases, Cryostat design , Transport Phenomenon, Fermi surface, Conductivity of solids, Technique of low temperature measurement, Physical properties measurement systems (Quantum design-PPMS), Magnetic properties measurement systems (MPMS), SQUIDS, Vibrational sample magnetometer (VSM), AC magnetic susceptibility measurement. Kelvin probe measurements, Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic measurement, dielectric measurement.UNIT 4:
Interaction of radiation with matter, absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission, population inversion, Semiconducting lasers, Quantum well lasers and quantum dot lasers. Chaotic light and coherence, Trapping and cooling.UNIT 5:
Scattering theory, elastic and inelastic scattering, Types of scattering (Raman and Rayleigh scattering), Theory of luminescence, types of luminescence, Photoluminiscence, electroluminescence, and its applications, activators and co-activators, colour centres, Single and two photon laser induced fluorescence, excited state dynamics (lifetimes), fluorescence resonant energy transfer, single molecule dynamics.References :
Instrumentation : Sawney
Light & Matter : Yehuda Band
Laser technology : A. Ghatak
NanoPhotonics : Paras N. Prasad
Manuals of Quantum design Instruments ( ttp://www.qdusa.com/products/ppms.html)
Handbook of Thin Film Technology by Leon I. Maissel and Reinhard Glang