Nanoscale I/V: Quantum wells, Q wires and dots, density of states, electrical transport properties in semiconductor nanostructures, quantization of conductance, coulomb blockade, Kondo effect, ballistic transport, non relativistic dirac fermions (massless electrons) & their conductance, Quantum Hall effect, fractional Q Hall effect.UNIT 2:
Vibrational and thermal properties of low-dimensional materials, phonons, quantization of phonon modes, 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D phonons, heat capacity and thermal transport at nanoscale. Superconductivity phenomena, flux quantization, Josephson effects, proximity and anti proximity effects at nanoscale.UNIT 3:
Nanofluid mechanics; flow of nanofluid, electrophoresis dielectrophoresis: Size selective sepration of dielectric nano particles, nano and micro fluid channels, low reynold number fluid dynamics, optical tweezer.UNIT 4:
Linear and nonlinear optical properties, Size Quantization effect, Optical blueshift phenomenon, Effective mass approximation, Tight Binding Theory (TBT), Collective oscillation, surface plasmon resonance, interactions between Nanoparticles, coupled-dipole approximation, Light detection in nano-structures; scanning near-field microscopy, single-molecule detection.UNIT 5:
Negative refrective index metamaterials, Passive microwave devices and antenna transmission lines metamaterials, super resolving metamaterials, negative refractive index lenses. Plasmonic nanowire metamaterials.References :
- Hari Singh Nalwa : Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology
- Introduction to Nanotechnology : Charles P. Poole Jr and Franks J. Qwens
- Microwave Properties of Magnetic Films : Carmine Vittoria
- Physics of Magnetism : S. Chikazumi and S. H. Charap
- Physical theory of Magnetic Domains : C. Kittel
- Magnetostriction and Magnetomechanical Effects : E.W.Lee
- Nanostructures : Bastard
- The Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction , John H. Davies
- Transport in nano structure: Devid Ferry
- Electronic transport in meso-scopic systems: Supriyo Datta
- Nanofluids: Science and Technology by Sarit K. Das.
- Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Physics and Applications Series: Topics in Applied Physics , Vol. 103 Kneipp,
- Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy and anoscratching Application to Rough and Natural Surfaces Series: Nano Science and Technology Kaupp, G.
- Quantum transport: Supriyo Datta
- Negative refractive index metamaterials; Fundametals applications by GV Eleftheriadas and K Balmain.
- Physics and applications of negative refractive index metamaterials by S Anantha Ramakrishna
- Nanofluids: Science and Technology by Sarit K. Das, Stephen U. Choi, Wenhua Yu, and T. Pradeep
- Fluid Properties at Nano/Meso Scale: A Numerical Treatment (Microsystem and Nanotechnology Series) by Peter Dyson, Rajesh Ransing, Paul H Williams, and Rhondri Williams