What is a route parameter in Laravel?
- a. A parameter passed in the request headers
- b. A parameter passed in the request body
- c. A placeholder value in the route URL
- d. A parameter passed as a query string
What is a route parameter in Laravel?
- a. A parameter passed in the request headers
- b. A parameter passed in the request body
c. A placeholder value in the route URL
- d. A parameter passed as a query string
What is the primary purpose of Laravel routing constraints?
- a. To define routes in the web.php file
- b. To restrict access to certain routes
- c. To specify rules that route parameters must follow
- d. To create dynamic routes
What is the primary purpose of Laravel routing constraints?
- a. To define routes in the web.php file
- b. To restrict access to certain routes
- c. To specify rules that route parameters must follow
- d. To create dynamic routes
Which HTTP method is typically used to create a new resource in Laravel routing?
- a. GET
- b. POST
- c. PUT
Which HTTP method is typically used to create a new resource in Laravel routing?
- a. GET
- c. PUT
In Laravel routing, what is the purpose of the question mark (?) in route parameters?
- a. It indicates an optional parameter.
- b. It signifies a required parameter.
- c. It is used as a wildcard character.
- d. It defines a regular expression pattern.
In Laravel routing, what is the purpose of the question mark (?) in route parameters?
a. It indicates an optional parameter.
- b. It signifies a required parameter.
- c. It is used as a wildcard character.
- d. It defines a regular expression pattern.
Which of the following is NOT a valid route parameter constraint in Laravel?
- a. whereNumber
- b. whereAlpha
- c. whereAlphaNumeric
- d. whereBoolean
Which of the following is NOT a valid route parameter constraint in Laravel?
- a. whereNumber
- b. whereAlpha
- c. whereAlphaNumeric
- d. whereBoolean
How can you apply global route constraints in Laravel?
- a. By using the ->constraint() method on specific routes
- b. By defining constraints in the .env configuration file
- c. By using the pattern method in the RouteServiceProvider
- d. By applying middleware to routes
How can you apply global route constraints in Laravel?
- a. By using the ->constraint() method on specific routes
- b. By defining constraints in the .env configuration file
- c. By using the pattern method in the RouteServiceProvider
- d. By applying middleware to routes
Where are global route constraints typically defined in a Laravel application?
- a. In the .env configuration file
- b. In the routes/web.php file
- c. In the RouteServiceProvider boot method
- d. In the config/routes.php file
Where are global route constraints typically defined in a Laravel application?
- a. In the .env configuration file
- b. In the routes/web.php file
- c. In the RouteServiceProvider boot method
- d. In the config/routes.php file
What does the -> arrow (member access operator) primarily signify in Laravel?
- a. Assignment of values to keys or properties
- b. Accessing members (attributes or methods) of objects or structures
- c. Routing to specific controllers
- d. Applying middleware to routes
What does the -> arrow (member
access operator) primarily signify in Laravel?
- a. Assignment of values to keys or properties
- b. Accessing members (attributes or methods) of objects or structures
- c. Routing to specific controllers
- d. Applying middleware to routes
What is the purpose of the Route::view method in Laravel routing?
- a. To create a new route with a view
- b. To define a named route
- c. To apply constraints to a route
- d. To return a view directly for a specified URI
What is the purpose of the Route::view method in Laravel routing?
- a. To create a new route with a view
- b. To define a named route
- c. To apply constraints to a route
- d. To return a view directly for a specified URI
- Views provide a convenient way to place all of our HTML in separate files.
- Views separate your controller / application logic from your presentation logic and are stored in the resources/views directory. A simple view might look something like this:
<!– View stored in resources/views/greeting.blade.php –>
<h1>Hello, {{ $name }}</h1>
- Since this view is stored at resources/views/greeting.blade.php, we may return it using the global view helper like so:
Route::get(‘/’, function () {
return view(‘greeting’, [‘name’ => ‘James’]);
Creating & Rendering Views
- You may create a view by placing a file with the .blade.php extension in your application’s resources/views directory.
- The .blade.php extension informs the framework that the file contains a Blade template.
- Blade templates contain HTML as well as Blade directives that allow you to easily echo values, create “if” statements, iterate over data, and more.
Nested View Directories
- Views may also be nested within subdirectories of the resources/views directory.
- “Dot” notation may be used to reference nested views.
- For example, if your view is stored at resources/views/admin/profile.blade.php, you may return it from one of your application’s routes / controllers like so:
return view(‘admin.profile’, $data);
Passing Data To Views
- You may pass an array of data to views to make that data available to the view: return view(‘greetings’, [‘name’ => ‘Victoria’]);
- When passing information in this manner, the data should be an array with key / value pairs.
- After providing data to a view, you can then access each value within your view using the data’s keys, such as
<?php echo $name; ?>.
- Inside Web.php
- Inside test.blade.php
Passing Data To Views(contd.)
- As an alternative to passing a complete array of data to the view helper function, you may use the with method to add individual pieces of data to the view.
- The with method returns an instance of the view object so that you can continue chaining methods before returning the view:
return view(‘greeting’)
->with(‘name’, ‘Victoria’)
->with(‘occupation’, ‘Astronaut’);
One More Shortcut
- In web.php
- In test.blade.php
Suppose empty string in passed in city
- Instead of printing empty string you can also use conditional expression in blade template file and print some default value.
Sharing Data With All Views
- Occasionally, you may need to share data with all views that are rendered by your application.
- Typically, you should place calls to the share method within a service provider’s boot method.
- You are free to add them to the App\Providers\AppServiceProvider class or generate a separate service provider to house them:
Sharing Data With All Views(contd.)
namespace App\Providers;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
view()->share(‘name’, ‘Baba Yaga’);
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