
A small revision

Server-Side Scripting

It is a programming language designed to be executed on a web server to handle data processing, interact with databases, and generate dynamic content that is sent to the client’s web browser. It enables web developers to perform complex tasks on the server, such as user authentication, database management, and business logic, while delivering the final output to the client-side for display. Unlike client- side scripting languages, server-side scripts remain hidden from the end-user, providing more security and control over sensitive operations.

Aspect Client-Side Scripting Language Server-Side Scripting Language
Execution Location Executed in the user’s browser Executed on the web server
Purpose Enhance interactivity and user experience on

the client side (browser)

Handle server-side tasks and data


Accessibility Available to the client (user) Hidden from the client (user)
Language Examples JavaScript, HTML, CSS PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Java,

ASP.NET, etc.

Dependency on Network Minimal dependence on network (for initial page load) Highly dependent on network for data processing and database


Security Can be easily manipulated and should not be trusted for sensitive operations More secure, as sensitive operations are handled on the server and not exposed to the


User Experience Faster response times and immediate

feedback to users

May lead to longer response times

due to server processing

Examples of Usage Form validation, animations, client-side form processing User authentication, database

management, server tasks,

generating dynamic content

Websites based on php

  • Facebook
  • Flipkart
  • Wikipedia
  • WordPress
  • Flickr

php.ini “C:\xampp\php\php.ini”

The purpose of the “php.ini” file is to configure and customize the behavior of PHP on a web server.

Htdocs Folder “C:\xampp\htdocs”

The “htdocs” folder (or sometimes called “public_html” or “www” folder) serves a specific purpose in web server configurations. Its primary purpose is to store and serve the files that make up the website’s publicly accessible content. When a user makes a request to access a website hosted on the server, the web server looks into the “htdocs” folder to find the requested files and serves them back to the user’s browser.

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