Basic Syntax
PHP tags
- When PHP parses a file, it looks for opening and closing tags, which are <?php and ?> which tell PHP to start and stop interpreting the code between them.
- Parsing in this manner allows PHP to be embedded in all sorts of different documents, as everything outside of a pair of opening and closing tags is ignored by the PHP parser.
PHP tags(contd.)
Recommended tags
Standard tag:
<?php echo ‘hello’; ?>
PHP tags(contd.)
echo ‘This is a test’;
<?php echo ‘This is a test’ ?>
<?php echo ‘We omitted the last closing tag’;
Escaping from HTML
- Everything outside of a pair of opening and closing tags is ignored by the PHP parser which allows PHP files to have mixed content.
- This allows PHP to be embedded in HTML documents, for example to create templates.
<p>This is going to be ignored by PHP and displayed by the browser.</p>
<?php echo ‘While this is going to be parsed.’; ?>
<p>This will also be ignored by PHP and displayed by the browser.</p>
PHP Comments
- A comment is simply text that is ignored by the PHP engine.
- The purpose of comments is to make the code more readable.
- It may help other developer (or you in the future when you edit the source code) to understand what you were trying to do with the PHP.
- PHP support single-line as well as multi-line comments. To write a single-line comment either start the line with either two slashes (//) or a hash symbol (#).
PHP Comments(contd.)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<title>PHP Comments</title>
// This is a single line comment
# This is also a single line comment echo ‘Hello World!’;
PHP Comments(contd.)
- However to write multi-line comments, start the comment with a slash followed by an asterisk (/*) and end the comment with an asterisk followed by a slash (*/), like this:
<title>PHP Comments</title>
This is a multiple line comment block that spans across more than
one line
echo “Hello, world!”;
Case Sensitivity in PHP
Variable names in PHP are case-sensitive.
PHP echo vs print
- echo has no return value while print has a return value of 1
- echo can take multiple parameters (although such usage is rare) while print can take one argument.
- echo is marginally faster than print.
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