Unit 1 Aromaticity.pdf Atomic _ Molecular Structure (Molecular Orbital Theory).pdf atomic structure notes.pdf atomic structure.pdf BAND THEORY.pdf benzene and butadine.pdf CFSE.pdf CFT _ Magnetic Properties of Complexes.pdf CFT (Octahedral Complex).pdf CFT (Square Planar Complex).pdf CFT (Tetrahedral Complex).pdf chemi unit 1.pdf Crystal Field Theory.pdf Factors affecting CFSE.pdf N2,O2,CO.pdf QP For Practice.pdf unit1.pdf Unit 2 1Principles _ Classification of Spectroscopy.pdf 2Fundamental Processes of Spectroscopy.pdf 3Selection Rules.pdf 4Electronic Spectroscopy.pdf 5IR Spectroscopy.pdf 6H NMR Principle and working.pdf 7Applications of NMR.pdf 8Useful Informations from NMR.pdf 9MRI.pdf 10Fluoroscence Spectroscopy.pdf 11Diffraction _ Scattering.pdf spectroscopy.pdf spectroscopy.pdf Unit 2 spectroscopy chemistry(1).pdf Unit 3 Atomic and Ionic Radii.pdf Coordination Numbers _ Geometries.pdf Effective Nuclear Charge.pdf Electron Affinity _ Electronegativity.pdf Electronic Configurations.pdf HSAB Principle.pdf Ionization Enthalpy.pdf Molecular Geometries.pdf Oxidation State.pdf Penetration of Orbitals.pdf periodic properties.pdf Polarisation.pdf Slater_s Rules.pdf Variations of s, p, d a … f orbital energies.pdf 1thermodynamics.pdf 2use of free energy.pdf 3electrochemical_cell.pdf.pdf 4pyq_definationsand_questions.pdf.pdf 4pyq_definationsand_questions.pdf(1).pdf 5estimationof free energy and entropy.pdf Unit 3 chemistry.pdf Unit 4 drugs.pdf organic drug molecules.pdf cyclohexane.pdf Another Unit cyclohexane1.pdf stereochemistry Handwritten.pdf stereochemistry.pdf Types of Isomerism _ Conformational Isomers.pdf