KTU EST110 Engineering Graphics Notes | 2019 Scheme

By studymaterials.net



Introduction : Relevance of technical drawing in engineering field. Types of lines, Dimensioning, BIS code of practice for technical drawing.

Orthographic projection of Points and Lines: Projection of points in different quadrants, Projection of straight lines inclined to one plane and inclined to both planes. Trace of line. Inclination of lines with reference planes True length of line inclined to both the reference planes.


Orthographic projection of Solids: Projection of Simple solids such as Triangular, Rectangle, Square, Pentagonal and Hexagonal Prisms, Pyramids, Cone and Cylinder. Projection of solids in simple position including profile view. Projection of solids with axis inclined to one of the reference planes and with axis inclined to both reference planes.


Sections of Solids: Sections of Prisms, Pyramids, Cone, Cylinder with axis in vertical position and cut by different section planes. True shape of the sections. Also locating the section plane when the true shape of the section is given.
Development of Surfaces: Development of surfaces of the above solids and solids cut by different section planes. Also finding the shortest distance between two points on the surface.


Isometric Projection: Isometric View and Projections of Prisms, Pyramids, Cone , Cylinder, Frustum of Pyramid, Frustum of Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere and their combinations.


Perspective Projection: Perspective projection of Prisms and Pyramids with axis perpendicular to the ground plane, axis perpendicular to picture plane.
Conversion of Pictorial Views: Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views.

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